I also do custom MP3 recordings for the price of $4.00 per finished minute. More extreme audios may be refused entirely, or charged at a rate of $5 per finished minute. Audios with many sound effects may also cost more. If you have a script or a story you wish me to create a recording of, please email me at [email protected] for a quote.
Do you enjoy listening to my recordings? You can find many of them not available elsewhere on SubscribeStar Adult. Many clients, most of them actually, are kind enough to give me permission to post the recordings I do for them for others to enjoy. A few have wanted their names edited out, some prefer to keep them to themselves, but many are fine with me posting them.
On my Subscribe Star page, you will find many interesting audios in many different categories. Do please check my page there out and if you enjoy my audios, do please subscribe to my page there so you can enjoy them, and support me. I've kept the prices very low for ones to enjoy them. Only $4.99 and $6.99 levels. Click the banner below to check it out!