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A Trip To The Lab


I went to a new doctor recently, and just as a precaution, they wanted to do some routine tests, a heart rate test was one of them, where you go down to the lab, lay on a table, relax and they put a few sticky monitor things on your chest and you just lay there for a few minutes and it records your heart rate. The young lab assistant was an attractive young man doing this lab job part time working his way through medical school.

After he said it looked ok, and was sending the results up to the doctor, he said I was the last patient of the day and did I have anything exciting planned for the evening. I laughed and said no and he asked if I’d like it to get exciting, I asked what he meant, and he moved closer and I could feel his hand on my leg. I was nude from the waist up, only a thin paper gown on covering my breasts. He’d seen them when he placed the sticky monitor things on fine wires on me, but it was all very professional. He was so good looking, I wasn’t going to stop whatever he was planning to do to me. I said go right ahead, what excitement have you in mind.

He lowered the lights and his hand returned to my thigh and he slowly pulled up my skirt and then slowly eased down my thong panties. I pulled off the paper gown off the top half of myself and was laying there with only my skirt around my hips and he starting kissing my thighs and I parted them and soon I could feel his lips kissing my shaved pussy lips, which were getting more and more moist. His tongue opened them like a dewy flower and I gasped in ecstasy as his tongue worked on my stiffened clit and I placed my legs over his shoulders, his mouth working on me and building up speed. This boy knew what he was doing alright, and I was writhing on the table with his hands cupping my ass cheeks, his face buried between my thighs making me cum with his expert tongue, fuck, it was the best time at a doctors office I ever had!




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