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The Clients Gift

A client of mine recently wanted to buy me a gift basket. He said that was more personal than some Amazon gift certificate, which would have been the easiest thing to do for sure. So he had me pick a few baskets and then he chose the one to send, so I chose a chocolates gift basket, since I adore chocolates. So the next day there’s a knock at the door and it’s the delivery guy with the gift basket is there and it’s huge, I never expected such a large and beautiful gift basket! They guy delivering it is gorgeous as well.

I invite him in to put it down and he’s so handsome I cannot stop staring at him and ask him if he’d like a hot drink, since it’s pretty cold out this evening, his last delivery of the day. He gratefully accepts and I make him a hot chocolate, and we sit down and I tell him a nice client wanted me to have this lovely gift basket. I open the gift basket and there’s a small pot of chocolate body paint inside and I smile and open it and place a dab on the delivery guys mouth and lean down and kiss it off.

Soon we are soon fucking on the kitchen table with chocolate smeared all over us. This gift basket sure turned out to be one hot idea. I slathered his large cock with the chocolate body paint and just lick off every inch of it before he plunges that sweet cock into my cunt. His cock stretches my pussy open as he eases it into me. I grasp his butt cheeks to pull him in even deeper into me and the table is bumping against the wall with every thrust and we fuck until we are both spent and exhausted. I later tell my client what happened and he said he’s glad his gift not only satisfied my sweet tooth, but also brought me some hot sex as well.

Stranger From The Train

Recently I had to go to Toronto for the day and I went by train. I was seated next to a very handsome man and we chatted all the way there and got along very well, I found him not only charming, but was attracted to him and was sorry when the train got in that our little visit was over. I didn’t think I’d see him again. I went about my appointments I had in town and had grossly misjudged the time I would need and I had to kill five hours at the train station waiting for my return train home.

I’d worn some very sexy stiletto heels and although they looked great, I was in no condition in them to walk around to shop or sight see. My feet were not going to take it. I had just sat down and saw the handsome man from the morning, he sat down beside me and said he’d had to change his ticket and stay the night in town, his business meeting had been extended and they needed him the next day as well. I told him about my having to wait five hours for my train and he said he was staying right across the street from Union Station at the beautiful Royal York Hotel and wouldn’t I be a lot more comfortable waiting and chatting in his room and have lunch with him before returning home? I couldn’t say no.

We walked across the street and went up to his room, the entire hotel is beyond gorgeous, as was his room. He called down for room service and it was there in no time flat and we had a wonderful lunch and even more wonderful conversation. It was no secret I was attracted to him, and the feeling was mutual. He leaned over and kissed me and I loved the way he kissed and smelled. Needless to say, it didn’t take us long to fall into his king sized bed in that beautiful room.

He peeled my clothes off and I his, as we caressed each other and he had the most wonderful hands that touched my pussy just how I liked to be touched and he easily made me cum. He then kissed his way down my body and licked my already wet pussy and tickled my clit as he flickered his tongue all over it and I was grabbing his hair in my hand and pushing him just where I wanted him to go and again, I was soon pushed over the edge into another orgasm.

He had certainly ensured I was already pleased and primed before he even got that large cock into me. He asked me if I’d ride him and I didn’t need to be asked twice. I straddled him and easily slid down onto his girthy cock and rotated my hips so my clit was grinding against his cock. My tits were bouncing and he grabbed my breasts and rubbed my nipples with his thumbs. I kept bucking against him until I came a third time and I felt his cock go off inside of me and we just lay there, panting and spent. I showered and freshened up and we had another drink and soon it was time for me to go catch my train back home. I was sure glad I’d overestimated the time I’d need, since I spent the day doing many naughty and fun things with the handsome stranger from the train.

I’m Watching You


There is a man that lives down the street I’ve seen watching me. When I unload the groceries, or walk to the mailbox at the end of the driveway, or do gardening. I’ve seen him peer from behind his curtains at me and I thought it was a bit odd, but he never bothered me or anything. Last week though I came in late and I had my arms full of bags from shopping and I was distracted and I forgot to lock the door behind me when I came in the house. I went about my evening and went upstairs and had a bubble bath before getting into bed to read for a while.

I turned off the light and started to fall asleep, but soon heard footsteps coming up my stairs and I was afraid. My bedroom door opened and I sat up in bed and reached for my phone when I heard a mans voice say, “Don’t.” The voice was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. He came over to the bed and pushed me back and climbed on top of me. The moonlight coming through the window didn’t give me enough light to see who it was.

He wasn’t rough, he said he had to have me. He kissed me and touched my bare breast under the covers and I soon felt my legs being pushed open, yet for some reason I didn’t resist him. I was afraid and yet inexplicably becoming aroused by who, I had no idea. He unzipped his pants and was soon inside me with his cock and fucking me. I was afraid, yet he was not hurting me and was in fact giving me pleasure as he fucked me. I new this wasn’t right, this intruder was in essence taking me against my will, yet I didn’t want him to stop. He fucked me and I could feel an orgasm welling up inside of me and I was determined for him not to know I was going to cum, but I did, and even though I bit my lip to make no noise, he could feel the contractions of my orgasming cunt around his dick and he laughed and asked me if I’d enjoyed it. I didn’t answer him. He continued to fuck me until he blew his load inside of me and he then got up off me and off the bed and when he stood near the window I could see his face finally, but I had a feeling that’s who it was. He walked out and I heard the door close as he left. I laid back down and went over the unexpected events in my mind before falling off to sleep.

Sex In A Hotel


I don’t have to go on any business trips often, but sometimes I do to meet with company owners that might be interested in my writing or voice over services. Not all meetings are just over the phone or by email, some clients, especially higher end ones are wanting a face to face meeting. A couple of times a year I do have to go out of town overnight or for a weekend to meet with a potential client and I then have to of course stay in a hotel. I’ve had some very interesting experiences in hotels over the years, many times with staff that either brought things to my room, or a manager I got to talking to and things took off from there.

Last week I had to stay overnight at a hotel a couple of hours away, and after my business meeting I went back to my room and there was a complimentary bottle of champagne and some roses. I opened the card and it was from the manager and I called the number on the bottom of the business card to thank him and he said he was still in his office and would I mind if he stopped by and said goodnight before he left for the evening? I said of course, come right up, and he was there in a few moments. I invited him in when he knocked and he said he’d noticed me the moment I walked into the lobby and he thought I was a very beautiful woman, I was very flattered and thanked him for the compliment.

I asked if he’d like a glass of the champagne and he accepted. Fast forward an hour and the champagne was gone and he was kissing me. He was an attractive man in his mid thirties and the smell of his aftershave was intoxicating and I couldn’t stop kissing and touching him. We were soon nude and in bed and making passionate love for several hours, on the bed, in front of the high rise window, it was quite a magical evening. He called down for a lovely meal to be sent up and we had a veritable feast after we’d worked up such an appetite fucking all night. It was nearly dawn when he left and I showered and got dressed on no sleep to go home, but it was worth it. I need to go to hotels more often!

Pretty As A Picture


I’ve always loved to indulge my artistic side and usually a few times a year I will be moved to actually go out with my easel and set it up to do a simple landscape. I’m no Monet by any means, but I think my style is attractive and I have several paintings in my home I did myself I am proud of. I was out last weekend at an apple orchard and set my things up and I was painting away and having a nice, peaceful afternoon when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a man walking towards me and I turned and spoke to him and told him I hoped it was ok I was here painting for a while, my car was parked right nearby and I’d just been looking for a nice place to paint a landscape and happened upon this orchard and I didn’t think it would hurt anything if I stopped for an hour or two.

He smiled and said it was fine, no harm done and he looked at my painting and complimented my work, which I was doing in watercolors and it was muted and soft looking. I thanked him and he asked if I’d like some hard apple cider, he was the owner of the orchard and he’d seen me from his window and he wasn’t sure what I was doing there. I thanked him and said yes, I’d love some, and he went and got some and came back with a blanket he laid down in the grass and we had the better part of a bottle and it was indeed hard and I was feeling the effects of it. We talked about things and I said I really couldn’t drive home after having that much hard cider and he invited me back to the main house and said I should stay for dinner and once I was not feeling the effects anymore, I could drive home then. I agreed.

I went back with him to the house a few hundred yards away and he made us a nice, simple dinner of steaks and baked potatoes and we talked for hours and as the sun went down, we watched the stars and he put his arm around me and kissed me and it quickly turned into a passionate kiss and he asked me if I’d stay the night and even though he was a virtual stranger, I felt safe with him and wanted to. We went back inside off the deck we’d had our dinner on and he led me to his bedroom and he gently stripped me of my clothes and then his own and I laid on the bed and he laid down beside me and we continued our passionate kissing and our hands wandered to secret places and he was soon mounting me and making love to me and he was a fantastic and thorough lover and he made me cum several times from his passionate lovemaking and expert tongue. I had a lovely evening with this man and the next day when I left I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time and I hoped I’d get to see him again soon.




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