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What Daddy Heard

When I was younger and still living at home, I couldn’t always see my boyfriend to fuck as often as I would have liked, he lived at home too, so we could only really fuck when one of our sets of parents was out for a few hours and slip in and play then when no one was around. We had lots of phone sex and I was always worried my parents would hear me, since I’m kind of loud when I cum. My parents were out for dinner with friends and I called my boyfriend to come over that we had the house to ourselves.

He came over and we fucked for hours and I wasn’t quiet, why would I be, we had total privacy, or so I thought. My boyfriend left after a couple of hours and my mom arrived home a while later. I asked her where daddy was and she said didn’t you know, I said know what. She said daddy had hurt his leg and didn’t feel up to walking much so he decided to stay home and rest and he’d been in his den all night. I froze. That meant he had been across the hall the entire night and heard me and my boyfriend carry on like fucking animals.

I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell her. The next day I could barely look him in the eye. I asked him if he was feeling any better after his injury and he said he was. I asked him if everything was ok, I was nearly blushing as I asked and he winked at me and said yes, everything was ok. I knew he knew and he knew I knew he knew, yet we said no more. It was an odd little secret we had from mom. He’s a cool dad. When I think of what he must have heard, I’m so embarrassed to think about it, but I didn’t know he was home. I told my boyfriend about it and he laughed and I said it wasn’t funny. He said maybe next time my mom goes out he can come over anyway even if my dad’s still at home! He’s terrible!

Private Eyes

I got a gift last month from a relative and I thought it was kind of useless. It was a telescope, they are really into astronomy and looking at the stars and that’s fine, but it’s not really an interest of mine, so what am I supposed to do with a telescope? I live on an upper floor of a nice condo building and I did take it out on my little balcony and look skywards, but when I looked away my shoulder bumped it and I looked through and I wasn’t gazing at the stars, but it had landed on the building right across from mine. Now this could prove interesting!

I began to look at all the windows and saw an assortment of everyday activities, then I came upon one with a guy masturbating to porn on his computer, he had a pretty nice sized cock, too. Then I saw a window three floors up from that one with a couple making love, lights on, curtains open, now this was a lot more fun than searching for Mars. I was watching them, the man on top of the woman, her legs wrapped around him, pulling him inwards and I started to feel aroused as I was watching them. I reached down and slid my hand into my panties and started to rub my clit as I watched them fuck with unashamed abandon, not a clue they were being watched.

She placed her leg over his shoulder, allowing him deeper penetration and I could see the headboard banging against the wall as his thrusts grew in intensity, fuck, they were really going at it, I only wished I could hear them as well as see them. I rubbed my clit faster and faster as they went for their climax and I soon came, masturbating on my balcony watching them through the telescope. I think I may have found a good use for this present I hadn’t thought of when I got it.

Watching You From Afar

I’ve always enjoyed looking at people during their private little moments when they didn’t know they were being watched. I always understood the guys that drilled holes in the girls change rooms so they could watch them and get all aroused by them. It arouses me as well. I like in a condo that is surrounded by several other condos. Recently I bought a telescope. I can promise you it’s much more entertaining observing people in their own environments than any t.v. show.

I saw a woman last night that was having phone sex . At least I assumed she was having phone sex, as she had a phone to her ear the entire time and was masturbating. I felt a little naughty watching her, but it was fun peeking in on another’s secret world they had no idea someone hundreds of feet away was watching. It really would behoove people to close their blinds or curtains. It amazes me how few do, they think no on can see in at them, yet ones can and do watch their private goings on. I watched her undress in front of her mirror, all the while talking.

She slowly caressed her breasts and made the nipples hard before she even took her bra off. She slid her hand down her stomach and toyed with the crotch of her panties with her fingers before sliding them down and off of her body. I think she was doing as the person on the other end of the phone told her to do. I saw her get on the bed nude and fuck her own hand. I was quite aroused as I watched her and touched myself at the same time. I’m very glad I got the telescope…It’s proven a most entertaining diversion.

Watching The Neighbors

Last night I was working the phone lines as usual, and this guy calls up and I thought it was just going to be a regular suck and fuck call. He was quite worked up when he called and I asked what was going on and he said right then as he was talking to me, he was watching the neighbors fuck through the window. He was standing in his living room in the dark, he’d been walking through the room to go tot he kitchen and he say their light on across the way and glanced over and he said they were going at it right in their living room with the curtains open.

He immediately got horny, he said he’d watched her suck him off and he got hard watching it, their window was only around 10 feet across the small yard and he stood there in the dark and they were all hot and heavy and he got so worked up he decided to call me and give me a play by play of their action as he stroked his cock and watched them fuck right there. She’d stood up after she sucked him and bent over a chair and the guy was fucking her from behind as he grabbed her tits. My caller of course was masturbating as he watched, stroking his cock in time with the guy’s thrusts into the woman.

They of course had no clue they were being watched as my caller was talking to me and masturbating watching them. I could hear the arousal in his voice as he was rubbing his cock and telling me he saw the woman getting her pussy pounded and the guy came and it was dripping down her thigh. She then had the guy on the floor in front of her and she sat on his face as he licked his own cum out of her as she rode his tongue. He then came as I spoke to him. He was asking when they might do it again, and I replied if he’d been living next to them all this time and never seen it happen before, it could very well just be a one time incident he caught them in where they forgot to draw the curtains. He had a good orgasm though, that’s for sure!

Observing The Neighbors

I’ve always enjoyed looking at people during their private little moments when they didn’t know they were being watched. I always understood the guys that drilled holes in the girls change rooms so they could watch them and get all aroused by them. It arouses me as well. I live in a condo that is surrounded by several other condos. Recently I bought a telescope. I can promise you it’s much more entertaining observing people in their own environments than any t.v. show.

I saw a woman last night that was having phone sex. At least I assumed she was having phone sex, as she had a phone to her ear the entire time and was masturbating. I felt a little naughty watching her, but it was fun peeking in on another’s secret world they had no idea someone hundreds of feet away was watching. It really would behoove people to close their blinds or curtains. It amazes me how few do, they think no on can see in at them, yet ones can and do watch their private goings on. I watched her undress in front of her mirror, all the while talking.

She slowly caressed her breasts and made the nipples hard before she even took her bra off. She slid her hand down her stomach and toyed with the crotch of her panties with her fingers before sliding them down and off of her body. I think she was doing as the person on the other end of the phone told her to do. I saw her get on the bed nude and fuck her own hand. I was quite aroused as I watched her and touched myself at the same time. I’m very glad I got the telescope…It’s proven a most entertaining diversion.




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