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phone sex

Coronavirus Phone Sex Special – Masturbation in Lock Down

In these trying times of global pandemics and the Coronavirus, I realize you may be stressed. Orgasms are great for stress release as we all know. It may be difficult to get some “me time” if you are in self isolation with loved ones. Kids home from school, wifey keeping a watchful eye, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. You likely grew up masturbating on the sly as well, trying to keep away from mom’s watchful eye, so it’s nothing new to rub out a quick one. I am still taking calls normally during this crisis. I am lucky I work from home to begin with, so I am no more isolated than usual.

I want to help make your balls as empty as the store shelves, lol. In these dark and uncertain times, it can be comforting to know that some things are a constant. I am one of them. I have been pleasing men for nearly twelve years now as a phone sex operator and am happy to hear from not only my existing clients, but new ones as well. Some callers have managed to get privacy once all are asleep under their roof, others have snuck out to their car and driven to some secluded parking lot for that much needed break.

For new callers I will offer a one time introductory buy ten minutes get five free special I will honor for the rest of this year. I certainly hope this virus will be history long before then, but I will keep it active. This is for new callers that have never called before only, and only valid for your first call, you buy ten minutes, you will get five free minutes on top of that. You must mention this special when calling for the bonus.

Being in lock down is difficult for many people, not everyone is a natural hermit like some of us and it really bothers them to be isolated from others. I may not be there in body, but I can be right on the other end of the phone. I do hope to help some of you through this most difficult time. Be well.


I Phoned a Girl and I Liked It

The girl that helped bring me into the phone sex world was bisexual, and she and I had phone sex a few times. It’s a funny story, it happened many years ago before the internet even. I was shopping in a record store and saw this pretty girl in there quite a while looking at all these unusual records of sound effects and my curiosity got the better of me and I asked what she needed sound effects for and she looked around and said phone sex was her job.

I still didn’t know what sound effects had to do with phone sex, then she explained about spanking noises and all kinds of things and how some clients liked these noises being used on calls in the background! I laughed and said I had no idea, and she asked if I’d like to go get a coffee and talk, so I had nothing better to and went. She told me all about talking on the phone to masturbating men and what it’s like and I should give it a try. She gave me her number and told me to call her later that night.

I did call her up and I wasn’t expecting the conversation to go down the naughty road it did. She was talking to me like she would a client to show me what it’s like and all of a sudden I started to get turned on. She could hear it in my voice and breathing and we started masturbating together. It was very unexpected, but oh so very hot! So see guys, sometimes things really DO get hot for us phone girls! I bet you’d like to hear all about how she told me she’d lick my pussy if she was here with me, and the hot talk led to her helping me get in at the company she took calls from and we’d play once in a while as well, so it’s all worked out quite well.

Hot MILF For You

I have a college age son, and let me tell you, some of his friends are fucking hot. I divorced his dad years ago, and haven’t had many boyfriend’s since. Now that I’ve gotten older, I don’t know why it is I’ve started to fantasize and drool about younger boys, but I sure have! Ones my own age seem to be losing their erections as well as their hair, not very appealing in my eyes. I over heard one of my son’s friends telling another friend that he’d had hot phone sex with his girlfriend on the phone and how hot it made him, how horny he’d gotten. I was a bit surprised he’d be telling his friend this.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it all night, this hot young kid masturbating when he called his girlfriend. I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself, but I was alone later with him in the kitchen when he came in to get a pop to drink. I told him I’d heard him talking to his other friend about his phone call. He blushed a little and I said no, it was ok, it had turned me on hearing it. I swear as soon as I said that, he started to get hard and I could see a growing bulge in his pants.

I know it was very forward of me, but I asked him if he’d like to call me one night for such a conversation. His jaw literally dropped and he let go of the can of pop and I laughed. He picked it up off the floor and smiled and said he’d think about giving me a call for such a naughty conversation. Apparently he didn’t have to think long, less than eight hours later as I was reading in bed my house phone rang and it was him. We talked for a while then he told me to touch myself. He gave me guided masturbation, and it was the best I’d ever had in my entire life. I hope this becomes a regular thing, I was so fucking turned on!

You Sound Familiar

This guy I’ve played with on the phone for a few months, I just adore having phone sex with, I never thought I’d ever meet him, why would I, I wasn’t looking to meet. Just have fun on the phone. So I was at this party the other night of this girl I didn’t know that well. In fact I didn’t know most of the people at the party well, only a few.

Then I heard this voice. I knew it was him. He didn’t see me and I hadn’t spoken within his earshot, so he didn’t know I was there. I listened to him and I knew this was the voice of who I’d been cumming with for months. My God, he looked as good as he sounded. We hadn’t emailed pictures to each other yet, so I’d had no idea what he looked like. How could I get him alone? I waited for a moment when his friends left and I walked over to him. I just stood there and smiled. He smiled back and then I said, “Well, I didn’t think we’d ever meet, but I see fate had other ideas.” His mouth dropped open and I knew he knew it was me. His phone girl. He grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

“Is it really you?” he asked, “yes,” I said. “Let’s get out of here.” And with that he took me by the hand and we left in his car and drove down a deserted road and started to make out like crazy, touching each other and kissing. I wouldn’t normally give a guy a blow job on a first date, but this was hardly like meeting a new person. I gave him a blow job and he fingered me, it was so hot! He’s coming back to town next weekend and I think I’m going to fuck him. I honestly don’t see how I will be able to not fuck him after all the passion there’s been between us over the last few months. We shall see how it turns out.

Weekend Getaway

I went away recently for a shopping weekend alone, I deserved it, I’ve been working hard and thought I deserved a bit of a treat. What I didn’t plan on though was the woman in the room next to me having phone sex with her boyfriend on a nightly basis and me sort of too! The walls at this motel were pretty thin, and I could hear her moaning the first night and I quicky discovered what was going on when I knew there wasn’t anyone in the room with her. I could hear how aroused she was and I’d press the glass up to the wall to hear even better.

I could even hear him too since they were talking over the computer and his voice filled the room and I could hear him telling her how to touch herself and little did they know they were having a bit of a virtual threesome on their hands, since I was doing what he told me to as well, and I was enjoying every minute of it. I wanted to go right into her room and tell her I was fucking myself with my fingers the same way she was and doing as her boyfriend told me to do and enjoying it very much. I bet he was a fantastic fuck in bed the way he talked, but I couldn’t let on to her when I saw her in the elevator or anything.

He was very descriptive and I honestly wished there was some way I could get his email or phone number myself and contact him and tell what I’d been listening into every night over the weekend and how I wanted to play with you on my own and not have her around joining us, I know it was crazy to even think that way, but he was really sexy from what I could hear. I do find myself in some odd situations, to be sure. He made me cum very nicely as well as her and he didn’t even know two of us were enjoying his vocal talents.




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