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Spank Me

Spanking is one of the most popular fetishes that men call about. Many were caught masturbating as children and were punished and this has had lifelong effects on them and this is the root cause of most spanking fetishes. Some also that are older and that were in schools where corporal punishment was administered during the years of their sexual awakening, they likely were not caught masturbating at school, but were being punished for some other infraction and were then spanked, or had a paddle used on them, usually by a female teacher.

Many times this has caused teacher related and spanking related fantasies even years and years later. Men will call up for spanking phone sex calls and often be hitting themselves with something during the call and will have me count and clap my hands to simulate spanking noises. It’s a highly erotic and charged experience for them. Many phone sex callers will also be clients of real time dominatrixes that they go to for real life punishment sessions. It’s quite common to hear men talk about their visits and how he had the holy hell beaten out of him by a flogger, cat o nine tails or a paddle.

Some like to be hit so hard that they are bruised. Some have emailed me pics where they are literally black and blue all over their backsides from being hit so severely. How that is arousing, I do not know or understand, but for many it is and they enjoy it and get off to it. So spanking enhances the masturbation and sex lives of many people, alone, or in couples, one spanking the other. As long as it’s consensual, why not, have at it. So get out your spanking implements and give me a call, boys. I’m happy to whip your ass!

Spank Me, Please

Years ago before I even got into adult entertainment, I still had a few fetishes, nothing wild or extreme, but ones I liked to indulge on occasion. One of them was spanking. I saw an ad online by a man that was looking for women to spank, there would be no sex involved, just spanking. I was a bit nervous, I didn’t know this man or anything about him, but none of the boyfriends I’d had were into spanking, so I thought I would contact this man and see what exactly he was looking for. He was a professional, with a girlfriend, she was not wanting to be spanked, but he really liked to spank women and was looking for a spanking only arrangement, maybe once every four to six weeks or so, I was curious and wanted more information before consenting to be spanked by this strange man.

He was around a forty five minute drive from me and he agreed to come to my place if I’d feel more comfortable, and I did. I invited him in and we had some wine and chatted for a while and he said again he was not looking to fuck, he already had a girlfriend, he just wanted someone he could spank and was I looking for the same type of arrangement and I was, I said I thought this might work. We went to my bedroom and he sat, fully dressed, on the edge of the bed and I nervously lifted up my skirt, pulled down my panties and bent over his knee and waited to be spanked.

He asked how many to start and since I wasn’t 100% sure how hard he was going to wallop me, I said let’s start with five and see when we get there. I felt a hard smack on my bare buttocks and mentally counted out five. He asked if I was ok, and I said yes, five more please. We did a couple of dozen spankings and my bottom was bright pink and quite sore. I could feel his erection underneath me but he in no way made any move to touch me sexually. When I’d had enough I said that was fine, and I got up, pulled up my panties and lowered my skirt and thanked him, and he left and asked as he was leaving if I’d like him to come by again, and I said yes, I will be in touch. We met several times over the next year and things slowly ended, but it was a very interesting arrangement and although there was no sex between us, I usually masturbated as soon as he left and usually to several orgasms, and they were much more intense than if I’d just masturbated without the spanking beforehand. I do enjoy a good spanking to this day.

I’ve Been A Bad, Bad Girl…….

spanking phone sex, spanking

I’ve always enjoyed a good spanking before and during sex. I’ve given a number of spankings as well. I might only be 5’2, but I’m fairly strong and can deliver a good spanking if required. Some boyfriends I’ve had liked to play switch and get a spanking rather than give them. One used to love to fuck me doggy style and slap my ass until I had pink handprints on me. I didn’t mind though, I knew I’d been a bad girl and deserved it!

He even would tie my wrists behind my back and tell me to bend over like a good girl and take my punishment over his knee. I’d lean over and get around a dozen hard swats and spanks across my rear and then he’s rub the exposed skin for me and sometimes if he felt bad for striking me too harshly, he’d lower his fingers between my ass cheeks and further down and start to rub my clit from behind. He could always get me off so good rubbing my cunt in that position, as it made my clit stick out and he’d manipulate it expertly and make me so juicy and wet as he rubbed me greedy cunt.

Some callers that like to imagine spanking me even have me count out the number of swats they like to administer and as I spank myself and count they are rubbing their cocks imagining they are the ones doing the spanking! When they are in the mood for switch though, I like to be harsh and spank them with the back of a wooden hairbrush handle or a paddle and really give them a good walloping until they are the ones crying like little girls. Some like to play the meanie and spank, then they get all sorry and literally kiss my ass cheeks and tell me they didn’t mean to spank me so hard. So if spanking phone sex is what gets you going as well, give me a call and I can spank you, or you can spank me!

Call Me Up And Spank Me, Sir


I’ve been seeing this new guy the last few weeks and he had playfully swatted me on the behind a few times as I walked past him and I didn’t think anything of it. Then the last time we made love, before he fucked me he grabbed me and turned me over his knee and hit my behind hard several times. I was a bit shocked, but didn’t tell him to stop either.

I’ve had callers, several of them that liked me to talk about spanking them, but don’t get to many that like to talk about them spanking me, and I liked it. He doesn’t hit my behind hard enough to leave marks, but I’m sore for a few hours after he has done it. Once he even rubbed cream on my dark pink behind and as I was turned over his knee I felt his fingers go down the crack of my ass and into my pussy underneath. I felt his fingertips, still slick with he cream he’d used on my behind start to work on my clit. He told me to be a good girl and allow him to finger my pussy. It didn’t take much coaxing.

I could feel his fingers tease my pussy and stroke my cunt lips and search out my stiffened clit. I was bucking my hips upwards to meet his middle finger that was rubbing my clit up and down. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my underside, feeling his arousal as he was caressing my wet pussy with his fingers. All of a sudden I felt my orgasm well up in side of me and he kept rubbing as I came, easing up on the pressure of his strokes as I caught my breath, his had all wet and sticky with my juices. Yes, I don’t mind a good spanking once in a while at all…

Bare Bottom Spankings

Has your ass been craving a terrific spanking? Then I’m just the gal to dole it out to you. Bare bottom spankings are one of my specialties. Although hairbrushes, paddles and doubled over leather belts are also very welcome for you to have on hand before you call. I like the idea of men whimpering with pain as I tell them to hit themselves over and over. I had one last night I made whip himself a few dozen times, and he loved every minute of it.

The humiliation that comes from a good, sound, swift spanking often is rooted in childhood. I find British men often are taken back to the days of corporal punishment in their school days when their sexual awakenings were happening are often the root cause. Ones also seem to be aroused by spanking if their mothers were involved. Many times punishing the naughty boys for masturbating, and this can often set off a double whammy of a fetish, spanking, and a mommy fetish. Both of which I’m only too happy to do for you. I would love to spank you until your bottom is too sore to sit down on. You will whack yourself each time I count and clap my hands, do you understand?

Think of bending over my knee, pants down, dick between my thighs, quickly growing harder by the moment. I will bring my hand back and wallop you like there’s no tomorrow. Shall I use my bare hand? A paddle? We can discuss this beforehand as I punish you to the degree which I have determined you deserve. Now, BEND OVER!




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