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Tranny Humiliation Phone Sex

I had an interesting call the other day unlike any other I ever had. I’ve done tons of humiliation calls, small penis humiliation is one of my most popular calls. Racial humiliation is also very popular, but this was a different kind of humiliation altogether. I’m not sure there’s much of a market even for it, since in all my eight years as an operator and nearly 150,000 calls, I’d never heard of it until this call. This person that called up was a tranny, and they wanted to be humiliated for it. Not a problem for me, since I am not the most politically correct person around and am quite horrified at all this tranny nonsense in the news of late.

I think it’s mental illness plain and simple. Perhaps many are more understanding and accepting, not me. I have nothing against gay people, that’s a sexual preference and I think they are born that way, but for ones to want to have operations to “change their sex” is to me absurd and ridiculous. Take all the hormones you want, have breast implants and wear makeup and dresses, you’re still a guy if you were born with a dick. XX or XY, no operation is going to alter that. Take a blood test and see what your genetic makeup is. I have talked to several trannies on the phone over the years and without a doubt, they are very messed up individuals in my opinion and experience speaking with them. This societal acceptance of them should not be encouraged in my opinion. This Caitlyn Jenner transformation is to me a disgrace and a travesty.

So if you’re a tranny and seek humiliation about what a fuck up you truly are, I will be only too happy to humiliate you and tell you what a freak I think you are. You want humiliation and honesty, I will give it to you. I think you’re disturbed and should seek mental help, though I think most that feel this are beyond help. Many want to appear politically correct and accept all this nonsense, but I’m afraid deep down, most of society would agree with me and the transgender travesty. I do not advocate violence towards these people or criminalizing it, but I’d have nothing to do with anyone of this ilk. I’m sure most that feel this way are not seeking humiliation because they don’t feel they are anything but normal, but surely some must feel deep shame, and many of their family members would also be ashamed to call that one of their own. You can paint an apple orange, it’s never actually going to be an orange. A cat can think it’s a dog, it’s always going to be a cat. I feel badly anyone has to feel so mixed up in their own body, it must be horrific, but sometimes we must accept who and what we are.

This is my personal opinion and I am entitled to it, I do not expect anyone to agree with me, and I realize my view may not be shared with ones reading this. They are entitled to their opinion as well as I am to have mine.




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