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Fembot Fantasy


Many of us don’t know about the fetish of robots, fembots, sex androids and cyborgs. There are however some men into this sci fi fantasy imagining fucking a robot that has been designed for their sexual pleasure. Your own personally designed sex robot that will do anything you want and sound just like a woman, that is unless you want her to sound like a robot. Some men do enjoy the robot voice and I certainly can do just that.

The audio here I sent to a client, granted he jazzed it up considerably with sound effects and a lot more from the plain audio I sent him. I was very impressed with his sound editing abilities! There is a niche community out there for ones into fembot fetish. Many like to repeat certain phrases and have you repeat them back to them. Last night I had a fembot call and I had apparently been getting my Master a glass of water and wouldn’t you know, he’d had my circuit panel off and I spilled the water…oh oh! Not a good combination! I got the water in the panel and started to go haywire.

Bumping into walls, talking fast and nonsensically, it wasn’t a good scene at all! It pleased him though and he’s called a number of times, so he must like my fembot impression. One even calls and wants to get his fembot pregnant, an odd combination of fembot and impregnation fetish. Why not, if it’s what makes him happy? I’m happy to play the sex android of your dreams.




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