Fertile Phone Sex
Fertile phone sex can be hot. What is “fertile phone sex?” Well impregnation calls are fairly popular, and odd as it may sound, ones into this sort of fantasy may have zero desire for children at all. I’m quite anti child myself, yet love this sort of call. Many callers into it also seem to have no desire for kids, yet the thought of getting a woman pregnant, flooding their womb with seed is a potent fantasy.
I felt bad when a personal phone sex partner of mine that’s nearly 30 years old said never once in his entire life has he had unprotected sex. Not once, not even with monogamous girlfriends. Even with them being on the pill, he was too terrified of pregnancy to chance having sex without a condom. He likes to talk about impregnation at times since it’s so far removed from what he’s had sexually.
There’s a type of intimacy, a closeness that comes from this sort of conversation as you’re masturbating with someone. Another partner of mine in the past said he nearly came at the thought of it when I said I wanted him to get me pregnant. It can be that powerful an image and thought. Sometimes saying “I Love You” also enhances this sort of call. Intimate phone sex to me is the sexiest kind of all. Not for everyone, I understand that, but for ones into it, it’s special. So would you like to talk about giving me your baby? Want me to tell you I love you as you fill me up with your baby batter? Give me a call tonight.