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Masturbating With a Celebrity

celebrity, voice, secret

One night the phone rang and I answered it and the voice seemed so familiar and I knew I’d heard it before, but not on the phone, on the t.v. I couldn’t for the life of me place it. Then I was walking down the street one day and saw this new movie poster and my jaw dropped. THAT’S who’s voice it was! I couldn’t believe I’d had a celebrity caller on the phone sex line. They`d used a pre paid card, so I was not given their full info.

I just stared at it and knew I had no way to confirm it, but it had been nagging at me ever since the call had begun. I knew it was a familiar voice. All I could do was hope they’d call again. I didn’t have long to wait. A couple of nights later he called again and he was a longer caller, not surprising since he’d have a lot of money. I casually mentioned his voice sounded familiar and that he sounded just like this celebrity I’d seen on t.v. and in the movies. He was silent then said it was him and he didn’t want others to know about this. He’d been into phone sex for many years before he was even famous and nothing had changed, he still enjoyed it and had continued to do it often.

I had this wonderful secret and couldn’t tell anyone I was helping a celebrity masturbate. Since he was a longer caller and I knew wouldn’t hang up and I was attracted to him, I was genuinely masturbating with him when he called and I couldn’t believe it, it was so fucking hot! He sounded sexy and was good looking and was calling me to have phone sex with him a couple times a week for a couple of hours at a time. It’s the most fun I’ve had being a phone sex operator yet, I can promise you that!




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