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Sci-Fi Phone Sex


Are you a science fiction fan? Have you always had, um, naughty thoughts about either otherworldly aliens like in Avatar, or fembots or cyborgs, anything to do with science fiction sorts of things and think about having some sci-fi phone sex? Now that’s not to say they are fiction, I do believe in other worlds and aliens, but I don’t know about getting sexy with hem, that just seems a bit….creepy. I have enough trouble dealing with guys on earth, let alone ones from far flung galaxies!

There are however guys that DO get quite turned on by the fembots and sex androids. There are very real looking sex dolls men pay thousands of dollars for that at first glance look absolutely real. Now turning them into a fembot is the next step. Now they just lay there, when in the future they can be animated with electronics and be able to be programmed, it will be giving the humans a run for their money. In the movie A.I. there’s a male robot much in demand with the ladies, a robot gigolo if you will. There’s times I wish I had a male robot that looked like anyone of my choosing that could keep going and going and carry on a decent conversation, then turn him off when you’re finished with them for the night. Ahh, to dream…A Few generations off this ultimate sex toy will be likely!

One caller explained cyborgs to me and how he was finding them very sexy, think The Bionic Woman. I’ll never forget how he went on about the “gorgeous chrome legs.” Wow, ok, not the everyday thing to be fantasizing about, but whatever floats your boat I guess. So if your fantasies lean a little to the odd side with sci-fi leanings, you can certainly give me a call and we can talk about them and I can be your sexiest fembot ever and even do a fembot voice for you!




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