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Bizarre Things That Happen On Calls


Some might be curious about some things that go on during phone sex calls, after all, they can’t actually see me, so guys often have no idea what’s going on on my end of the phone. Usually I’m just calmly sitting in my chair as I do a call, 98% of the time. When one works from home though, things can happen that you aren’t anticipating and things can go awry at a moment’s notice.

A couple of funny stories I can share for your entertainment, that show how professional I can be and maintain my composure and concentration and have the caller not know a thing is amiss on my end. A couple of years ago I’d just gotten out of the shower and the phone rang and I walked in and sat on the edge of my bed, still naked and was talking to a caller and all of a sudden I felt some activity behind me, so I looked over my shoulder and one of my cats was behind me. Nothing unusual about that, but then I felt something wiggling against my bare hip. I turned around further and one of my cats had a live mouse between his paws and the wiggling I felt was the face of the mouse burrowing into my body. It’s a wonder it didn’t bite me. Keep in mind I was talking to the caller and couldn’t let on anything was going on. I reached to my bedside box of Kleenex and then picked up the still live mouse and held it alive and squirming in my hand for twenty minutes as the call continued.

The caller had no idea what was going on as his phone sex call commenced. After the call I then ran down the stairs, still naked, and flung it out the door and the caller was none the wiser. Not many women could pull that off. I didn’t scream, but my hand cramped from holding it in the same position for so long and I didn’t want to squeeze the mouse. Later when I went outside, I saw it though, the stress of it had killed it. It was alive when I tossed it out, but apparently died shortly thereafter, after walking a mere few inches.

More recently I was given the task by my vet to collect a urine sample from one of the cats. No easy task, let me tell you! I’d removed the hood off the box and set up a flashlight and sample cup by the box that was within my view. Cats don’t go on demand or as often as people and it can take a couple of days to get the opportunity. I’d been laying in wait for 2 days, and of course I had just started a call when I saw them headed to the box. I jumped up, phone cradled between neck and shoulder, grabbed the flashlight in one hand and the sample cup in the other, and bingo! I was able to capture the sample as I was talking to the caller and they were none the wiser. So you see, you never really know what’s going on on the other end of the phone. Usually as I said, it’s just business as usual, but once in a blue moon there can be bizarre things going on a caller would never guess in a million years.




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