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Quicksand Fetish

sinking in quicksand

One of the odder fetishes out there I have come across is quicksand fetish. I have had a few different clients that like to discuss this. One likes me to discuss sinking in deeper and deeper from feet all the way up to the neck. Then as he’s close to cumming, “I’m sinking in quicksand!”, over and over and over. Making love in a pit of quicksand. Now there’s an orgasm alright, one worth dying for as you sink!

There’s a wonderful video of a fetish scene, but I don’t have the rights to use it, so can’t sadly, so I had to make do with the ones on Youtube. But there most certainly is a “quicksand community” out there, and they closely comb the internet for posts about its mention. They are a dedicated group, I must say! I am guessing they enjoy the damsel in distress type of scenario with the submissive female, yet I have yet to talk to a guy that wants to save the poor gal in question sinking! They want her to go under, it’s odd, they aren’t into snuff it seems, yet they want to see her go under and be enveloped by the murky quicksand.

After reading online it seems it’s more of a movie thing, that you don’t really die from it, I don’t know, I certainly don’t want to test it out myself! It just seems so odd to get aroused by ones struggling in something they can’t get out of, being trapped like that. But if any quicksand guys out there find this, I’m more than happy to talk with you about it and watch videos with you, as some like to do on calls, some clients like you to watch the same thing they are at the same time.




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