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Shrinking Man Phone Sex

I know little man, you want to be my purse pet, don’t you…So small, so tiny, so nearly invisible to everyone, yet hiding in the hollow between my breasts, climbing my hair. You want to be my Incredible Shrinking Man! You fellows into giantess phone sex are an unusual lot. It’s hard not to break into laughter when you mention being a couple of inches high. The “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” movie must be something you dream of doing to yourself so your lady could tower over you and you’d be the size of an insect.

Imagine running all over my nude body, I’d barely feel a tickle as you climbed all over me and slid down my breasts, hid in my pussy folds and wiggled around in my hair. One caller into giantess phone sex even told me he wanted to be my tampon, you’d smother fast in there, boy! Hot, moist, and dark, doesn’t sound too pleasant for the long haul, you’d be a goner, you silly boy! I made one man upset when I said my cats would have a fun time chasing him around and he said he didn’t want to be killed by a cat! Go ahead, scramble around like a bug and fight to live. I don’t get to many giantess callers, but it’s always a laugh when I do, I like to combine the fetish with humiliation, yet not all callers into that fetish are into humiliation, but it’s so hard not to make fun of them, since it’s so silly!

Humiliation is always something I enjoy, since I’m good at it and most men deserve to be humiliated in one way or another for their crazy stuff they are into. So if you’d like to be laughed at and talk about being carried around like a two inch high doll, then call up for some giantess phone sex and I will make you feel like the shrunken worm you really are!




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