A Little More Conversation
Most people think a guy would only call a phone sex girl for one thing-phone sex, right? Well, let me tell you, there are plenty of guys that call us phone sex girls for a lot more than just company as they masturbate. To many we are like psychologists of a sort. But we don’t have to look you in the eye and we aren’t making a permanent medical record of your thoughts either, so many feel we are a non threatening, easier outlet than a psychologist.
I have had clients that even told me they hired escorts-to talk to them. They said it was like phone sex in person to them, although to most people phone sex is masturbating, to them it is just a paid companion to talk to. I will be honest, calls like this are the oasis in our week when they come along. To actually have a fun, nice conversation that doesn’t even seem like work is beyond refreshing. Yes, there are actually people out there with very few friends or family, or the ones they do have they can’t for one reason or another talk to them, so they call up girls like me. To get eveything from their opinions on pop culture, to relationships. They do not come along often, a few a month at most usually. But they are wonderful when they do.
I have had men share secrets with me they haven’t shared with another living soul, and it’s an honor to hear some of their thoughts that they are choosing to share with me. I am glad I make them so comfortable and at ease that they can open up to me and tell me their secrets. Most men would be astounded to learn of the conversations I’ve had, with every topic spoken of under the sun. Some have played me the guitar, sung to me, read me their poetry, just wanted to share thoughts with another human being and they had no one else to share them with. General conversation is very welcome with me anytime, if you just want to talk, we can do that, not everyone calls for sex talk.