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Sexual Explorations

One of the things I like about doing phone sex for a job, is I can explore all kinds of fantasies over the phone I’d never get to in real life. I can talk about guys doing things to me and me to them I’d never have the courage to in my own life. I have been sexually adventurous in my real life relationships and I owe that in part to what phone sex has exposed me to, it has been very liberating for the most apart and allowed me the thoughts that I have to sometimes bring them up with lovers.

Some guys won’t have anything to do with you if you are into phone sex or any sort of adult work, they think you’re some kind of internet prostitute or something, like get out the scarlet letter now! They are not in reality, yet sadly more think like they do. I’m not an escort out selling my body, I’m just talking on the phone for fucks sake. Then you get guys that are a little too interested in the entire idea and think you’re masturbating daily with dozens of guys and love the idea you’re so insatiable and horny and they want a piece of that for themselves.

Some can accept it for what it is, just talking and exploring your clients fantasies and helping them the best that you can by whatever means that you can. Yes, you get emotionally involved with some of them, that’s just an occupational hazard. Not common, but once in a blue moon, sure, it can happen. I will be their naughty little phone slut for them.




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