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Breastmilk Fetish


A fetish some men have and enjoy talking about is breastmilk fetish. They love the idea of nursing on a pair of big milky titties. I have a few clients into this particular fetish and it arouses them a great deal to talk about milk filling the breasts to overflowing and them nursing on them and getting nourishment from their lovers breast as they make love. It’s a real bonding experience.

Not all into breastmilk fetish are also into the mommy thing, some are yes, as obviously when one thinks of breastmilk, they think of a mother, since one wouldn’t be having milk in their breasts unless they were having recently had a child, so sometimes they go hand in hand, but not always. It can be an exchange of love juices type of experience like a woman swallowing cum and taking a part of her man into herself. He would be taking  apart of her into himself in the same way by drinking her breastmilk.

It can be very sensual, loving and very intimate to talk about I have found. Many of the men into this like to talk about making love rather than having sex. It can be quite enjoyable and nurturing to have such a conversation about cradling them in your arms and nourishing them and giving them a part of yourself. Your breastmilk giving them energy to keep making love to you for longer and longer. So if drinking breastmilk is your particular kink, give me a call and we can talk about you latching onto my perky nipples and drinking from me…




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