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Moan For Me

Moaning can be very sexy. Some can get off on sex sounds alone without even a lot of talking. I can think of a few clients I’ve had over the years where they didn’t even want to hear me speak, they just wanted me to moan for them. I darned near passed out once when a caller had me do nothing but moan for 17 straight minutes! You have to breathe differently when doing that to regular talking and you simply aren’t getting enough oxygen as you do that for that long.

The lengths I go to please my clients! I used to like one client very much that was at the first company I started at in 2008 that closed 2 years ago in Toronto, I’d answer the phone and he’d say, “I want you to moan for me…” He was very sexy, I liked talking to him, but on our calls there was almost no talking, he just wanted to hear me moan for him. I very much miss those clients from that little company, the handful that came with me I value very much, most however didn’t bother to follow me when it closed even though I’d talked to them for 4 years regularly.

Moaning and breathing can be very sensual indeed. A few of my personal partners and I when we play on the phone don’t speak much, a few just like to listen to each other moan and breathe. I don’t need a lot of talking from my partners, but some is good. Some guys can sound so good you can get wet from just listening to them, the way they catch their breath and sound so soft and speaking slower, it’s sexy as fuck with some of them, so I can understand why some clients enjoy it as well. I’m happy to do a “moan only” call for you if that’s what you’d like. I’m flexible, I can do many things!




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