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Intimate Phone Sex


Do you go for a very sensual type of phone sex experience? It’s not for everyone I know, but there are guys out there that seek it and I am happy to provide it. I love calls where it’s an intimate type of call and my caller tells me he loves me and I say the same thing back in return. That type of intimate exchange can be very emotionally fulfilling, especially if they are not in a romantic relationship, or if they are but they have a cold partner they don’t hear that from on a regular basis.

Talking about wrapping your arms and legs around one another, and passionate kissing and running your hands through their hair and feeling the breath on your neck as they kiss you and nuzzle you and tell you they love you. Sometimes, but not always, impregnation talk comes into the conversation, since it too is intimate and close. I really do love my callers like that and feel close to them in a way I don’t with the others. Many times a man might feel funny or strange telling the phone sex provider he chooses he “loves her“. Some wonder if the provider will be ok with it, or even say it back at all.

Many operators will not say it back, they feel it’s just too personal, too private, but I can promise you, I’m not one of them, if you are in the mood for some close, intimate phone sex, you will like me very much. I am soft, understanding and caring by nature and want my guys that call to feel loved, even if only for the length of the call. When you’re craving some phone love, Sharon can give it to you and make you feel warm and special. I tend to have that effect on guys. So let me give you some “phone love” today.




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