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The Live Version Of Erotic Audios



I had an interesting call last week, a fairly new client that is a fan of my recordings for over a year found me and wanted a live version of my guided masturbation audio read to him over the phone. Apparently he’d listened to it many times over the last year, over a hundred he said. He was quite pleased when he found out he could speak live with me and it was a great wish of his to hear me read to him. He knew it so well he even repeated some of the sentences with me!

He loved that he could ask me to go back and say a particular paragraph over and over rather than have to stop and replay a certain section, I was so glad to have helped this nice man and give him a live version of something he was so familiar with. He said it lived up to and exceeded his expectations.

I have several clients that enjoy sending me lines or very specific role play’s they have and sometimes going over them line for line, word for word. They know what they want and they enjoy how specific and particular I am and that I take direction well. Some have even sent lines with instructions and directions in brackets of how they want things said. I am good at taking direction and enjoy pleasing my clients and giving them the experience they have been looking for. Erotic audio recordings are a passion of mine, and I find many times that the men that enjoy them are quite specific in how they like a call to go. They like very precise and structured calls and that is fine by me.




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