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It’s May-Let’s Masturbate!


For those that are not aware, May is National Masturbation Month. Now obviously for most people I talk to, they don’t go more than a few days without cumming, and that’s wonderful. Not everyone is as open and ok with self pleasuring as ones in adult entertainment like myself though. I know I’m preaching to the choir on this to the naughty boys that read this though!

I do it, you do it, we all do it and love it and can’t get enough of making ourselves cum and getting off. Many that call me either don’t have sexual partners at all, or if they do, they are ones without much of a sex drive and that couldn’t care less about cumming. I understand the importance of orgasms, and know how deprived you get when you don’t have any for a while. I need to rub my pussy regularly or I feel deprived myself! I love to talk to one of my sexy boys on the phone I play with on my own time and tease my clit and shaved pussy as I listen to them play with themselves for me, gets me very aroused it does to be listened to and joined in a hot, steamy masturbation session.

Not everyone is luck enough to have a fantastic sex life, so for many of us masturbation is all we get, so we relish it and enjoy it as our only release we get. This month of May is just telling us all to embrace it and give ourselves the self love we all deserve. For many of us, self love is all we get, so we might as well make the most of it. Some I talk to only do it a few times a month, others a few times a day, it all depends on our needs. No matter how much you may need to cum, know there’s tons of other masturbators going at it all over the world at any given moment.




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