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small penis humiliation

OMG Your Cock Is So Small

It’s ironic how big small penis humiliation is. It’s one of the top calls that guys call up and ask me to do for them. Small, pitiful, tiny, useless cocks that are no good for any woman, this is what they have. It turns them on when I laugh at them and tell them how I’d kick them out of bed if I saw that pitiful appendage dangling between their legs. That I’d take out my phone camera and snap a pic of it and send it to all my girlfriends so I could let them see how totally useless you really are.

They call up on the phone and sometimes even email me pics before the call so I can see how truly pathetic it is and ridicule them and post them on the blogs and whatnot. They like the odd fame they get when girls post their pitiful penis pics online and say this is such and such’s cock, look how sad it really is! One emailed a pic of his cock up next to a plug of a lamp cord, the plug was longer than his dick, like an inch and a half. As is any woman would even feel that nub go inside, let alone be able to cum from it.

One loser thought he had a “big cock” at four inches. I laughed at him and said in what universe is that big? It’s two inches shorter than average. I said your screen name should be Hung Like a Mouse. He was utterly clueless about his lack of size, I soon filled him in and told him what a nothing his dick was, that no woman would be raving about his lipstick sized cock. Nothing made him harder than my laughter and cruelty, and he came his few dribbles and was finished rubbing his little clitty for the night.

How Small Is It?

sph, small penis, small penis humiliation

I made another man cry last night on the phone when he called up. It’s getting to be kind of a regular thing. I do so enjoy making fun of the tiny dicked little fellows that call up, it’s not at all difficult do, really. When I simply get to it and tell them what inadequate little worms they really are, and make them understand what true washouts they are in the bedroom, they soon think about it and the tears start to flow. Small penis humiliation phone sex is a specialty of mine, and I must say, I really do enjoy it.

So many of these guys with their three inch, or less, cocks call up and relate humiliating stories from their social lives that have happened to them on one occasion or the other. Women that laughed at them as soon as they took their clothes off. Classmates that spread rumors about what they really saw in the locker room. All these humiliating incidents take a toll on a man’s character and after a while it seems the norm, they come to feel comfortable with humiliation and then start to seek it out and can’t get off without it.

What was once the peak of embarrassment is now arousing and desirable. The laughter of the woman that sees his naked penis makes him cum harder for the two drops he’s able to dribble out and ejaculate prematurely. It’s a circle, and one he’s quite comfortable in. He really can’t even cum unless someone is in someway making fun of him. The girl that took the pic of him with her cell phone and sent it to all of her girlfriends. It left it’s mark in his mind, women he’d never even met were judging him and making fun of him because of his shortcomings. Just a way of life for the tiny dicked worms out there wandering at large.

Big Dicks Rule

I’ve always liked big dicks and I haven’t been able to stay away from them, no matter how hard I’ve tried, even when I got married. My husband isn’t teeny tiny, but he’s merely average sized and I’m afraid that’s just not going to cut it with a size queen like myself. I like more, most women do, and ones that tell you it doesn’t really matter, well, they are just trying to spare your feelings and not make you feel inadequate, but given the choice, we will pick large. Every single time. Big dicks just satisfy you more, fill you up better, stretch you out to a most pleasurable degree.

I told my husband when we married I loved him, but I was always going to need more than he could give me in the bedroom, so I hoped he was ok with a cuckold relationship. He reluctantly agreed and I’ve been seeing other men since we first met. He does like to watch me get fucked by big dicks right in front of him as he rubs his much smaller cock and wishes he too could fill me up like my lovers do. He’s been good about being a good cleanup boy and I do still let him fuck me, though I can honestly say I cannot feel it that much when he does, especially if he fucks me after one of my lovers does and I’m filled with all of his cum and a bit stretched out.

I have asked a few times if it was indeed in yet, and the crestfallen look on his face when I have, well, I know it’s hurt him, but I genuinely didn’t know if he’d penetrated me yet. Big dicks and the guys that have them, well, they just fill out a pair of pants in a whole different way than a guy does with a smaller cock, that is unless they are stuffing it with socks! I was with a guy last night and I bet he was seriously pushing eleven inches, I didn’t know if I’d be able to take it all in. He had to use a lot of lube and my husband was watching with eyes as wide as saucers as this guy fucked me. I was biting my lip in pain a bit as he slid it in it was so thick and long.

I know he was well over double the size of my average husband’s cock, but I was able to take it all. After a while my pussy grew accustomed to it and I was able to take it all in and feel it stretch me to the very maximum I could stand. I was seriously walking a bit weird for a few hours after I’d been so put through the paces with that monster cock of his. My hubby came to me after he left and licked out all of the cum that was still dripping out of me, lapped it up like cream. He then asked if he could fuck me and I said go ahead, but I couldn’t feel much after the first guy was finished. Yes, big dicks have given me a lot of pleasure over the years, and I’ve no intention of stopping the fun now.

Cuckolded Hubby


I married my husband because he’s a good provider and good looking and stable, but there’s one small problem, I mean literally a small problem, and that’s his penis. It’s only three inches when hard. I told him I was going to always have some action on the side due to this matter and he understood and said most of his past girlfriends had also had other boyfriends when they dated him. Most women he’d been with he serviced orally. He was a master pussy licker, I will give him that. He was used to being a cuckold and the idea even appealed to him, and so when I came home from being with another man, I didn’t shower and when I came home, he went down on my still dripping pussy.

I well recall the first time I came home a bit late and he asked if I’d like his tongue, I felt a bit naughty after being out and still filled with another man’s cum, but when he got down there and started licking me and smelling me, he paused for a second and without a word, I knew he knew I’d been out with another man and he dove into my cunt like he never had before. I thought I was spent after cumming with the other man and fucking for the last three hours, but he made me cum a few times more. Once he knew I was still dripping with cum, my panties were still damp and I thought he’d noticed the wet spot on them when he took them off of me, he laid on his back and asked me to sit on his face.

I could feel the gooey cum moving out of my pussy and onto his tongue and he swallowed it down with great relish and gusto. I’d never felt his tongue go so far inside me before. Now that he knew I had the leavings of another man in me, he was really going after every last drop of that still warm cum. His face was shiny from ear to ear with my wetness and the cum of another man. I wasn’t wrong, was I? His cock is never going to satisfy me and we both know it, let’s just be honest here.

He has a pretty much useless cock, tiny little balls, but as I said, he serves a purpose, so I don’t even consider it cheating on him. Such is his lot in life being a cuckold. I’m a very attractive and fit lady, he’s really lucky to have me in his life at all considering his shortcomings, that’s how I see it, anyway. He knows I’m getting fucked elsewhere, he didn’t ask any questions, but his little cock was stiff as a board as I rode his tongue and I looked back over my shoulder and saw him pumping it with his thumb and forefinger. Poor little fella, he’d better get used to it, this is only going to increase, we shall see where this all ends up. I have a feeling I will soon be bringing my lovers home.

Size DOES Matter

You little worm. I bet you’re ready to pick up that phone right now and call for some phone humiliation phone sex aren’t you? You’ve been thinking about it, too shy to actually do it, thinking the girls will think you’re a pervert for calling. Well you’re right, you likely are a pervert! But most men are, so you’re in good company at least, anyway. Ones that like humiliation phone sex usually like to have their less than impressive sized penises made fun of. And with the size many are, it’s not difficult to do……

I personally like humiliation phone sex. I like making fun of most people for free, let alone while I’m getting paid for it, that’s just a bonus as far as I’m concerned. You like me to tell you how inadequate you are, how totally unable to please a woman in the bedroom you are? Well then give me a call, I’m more than happy and willing to give it a go. A real feather in my cap was during a small penis humiliation call I once had, the guy actually cried. I’ll never forget it. It was quite funny. One of my more memorable ones for sure.

To actually pay me money to berate you verbally on the phone, I find it amusing and entertaining to say the very least. Most men I’m happy to cut to ribbons for free. Such a pathetic worm you are. Offering yourself up for laughter and belittlement at your own expense, you silly man. Phone humiliation is for sure one of my favorites types of phone sex to offer. I enjoy it throughly.




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