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I Just Called To Say I Love You

Girlfriend experience phone sex is likely my favorite type of call for a guy to call up for. Not all guys are into it, but some enjoy it and it can be very nice. One caller didn’t even really like to get into graphic sex, he just enjoyed talking and used to spin these wonderful fantasies about how he was in love with me and wanted to take me on these European vacations and show me the world.

He was quite invested in the fantasy and would swear he was in love with me and wanted to make it a reality, marry me and sweep me off my feet and take care of me forever and make sweet love to me every day and me be his queen. He’d talk about all the different countries we’d go to, Egypt, France, all over and I’d be his lady love that he’d protect. It’s amazing how wrapped up in the details a man could get over some things you’d think would be more of a woman’s domain, yet he had lots of ideas about how things would go between us. From me being the stay at home wife that tended to his needs, to him being the loving husband for me.

He worked from home as an architect and would have a lot of free time to spend lavishing affection upon me at all hours. Girlfriend experience type callers can have a deep loneliness inside of them they need to fulfill and an online girlfriend can help them, even if only for the length of the call feel needed, loved, desired and appreciated and that’s an important thing to feel. Many people don’t feel needed by anyone, as if no one would miss them if they disappeared tomorrow, so to be the center of your world can mean a great deal to some of these phone sex callers.

Bath Time Lovin’


This weekend I had a very romantic one with my boyfriend. It was the first anniversary of when we met and I wanted it to special and sweet, and one of the things that we both love to indulge in is sex in the tub. All the hot water, bubbles, candles, it was very sexy and it’s fun to get dirty right in the bath, so you can wash all the sticky away easily.

I’d made us a nice dinner and then afterwards I drew us a nice, warm bubble bath, I had the air conditioning on so the warm water wasn’t overheating us or anything. I slipped out of my dress and my bra and panties and he got out of his clothes and we stepped into the big, deep, claw foot tub I have and we caressed each other under the water and kissed and washed each others hair, it was very sweet and romantic and then I straddled him and was riding his cock right there in the tub. Feeling his cock inside of me as the warm, bubbly water swirled around our bodies, my breasts made buoyant by the water under them and the sweet smelling bubble bath filling the air and making our skin so soft and fragrant.

He suckled on my nipples and thrust upwards so I could feel his cock against my clit as I rode him and we splashed the water a bit as we fucked and I could feel his breath on my neck as he fucked me, it was wonderful. Then after we came, we toweled each other off and went to the bedroom to continue the fun and we got even dirtier in there and were soon once again a sticky mess from our loving.

Holiday Office Surprise


I pride myself on being a good girlfriend to my guy. He’s a nice, romantic guy as well, so we are a good match. I wanted to do something sweet, so I got some sexy, Christmas lingerie, red satin with white feather trim, it is so cute! I put it on and wore nothing but a coat on over top of it and packed a nice little lunch for us and dropped into his office. I knew he had a good deal of privacy and he’s one of the senior partners, so no one would interrupt him if his girlfriend dropped in for an unexpected little lunch.

I walked in and locked his door and removed my coat and I could tell by the look in his eyes, and the growing tent in his pants, that he liked what he saw. I unpacked the lunch on his desk, and we ate. He couldn’t take his eyes off of me as he ate. He knew I was dessert! I said I thought he’d appreciate this little romantic gesture and he said indeed he did. After we finished, I walked over to his side of the desk and I straddled him in his office chair, my legs draped over the arm rests, the crotchless panties giving him full view of my exposed cunt. I reached down and squeezed his dick through his pants and it was hard as a rock and he quickly unzipped and slid it into me.

I gasped as I felt it enter me, I always loved how he fucked me and he grabbed me by the hips and I was grinding against his cock, my clit all stiff and my whole pussy soaked with my own juices. He groped at my breast and freed it from it’s satin covering and popped the hard nipple in his mouth and he sucked on it and drove me wild, and I bucked up and down on him in his chair, hoping no one outside his door knew what we were up to. We tried to be quiet, but his chair squeaked a little, I doubt anyone would have noticed though.

I could feel him throbbing inside of me and we kissed each other passionately and deeply as he fucked me there and I could feel the first waves of orgasm approaching. I bucked and I squeezed my cunt muscles around him, milking him into me and I came on his cock. I then slid off of him and down to the floor and I took his still dripping cock into my mouth and licked my own juices off of his cock. I always liked being a little slut for him and doing that and I know he loved it. I sucked on his balls, as I slid his warm, wet cock up and down in my hand, I knew I could get a second load out of him if I worked it hard and it wasn’t long until I did and I swallowed every drop out of him. He loved having me as his girlfriend since I was just as horny as he was and we fucked so much. He whispered in my ear how much he loved me and I thought he was romantic, as well as horny, always a good combination.

Intimate Phone Sex For You


What does it mean to be truly intimate with another person? Is it fucking them? Baring your soul to them? Intimacy means different things to different people. To some it is merely physical. I have some callers that without a doubt I feel they are being intimate with me in a way they simply cannot with others. Not their wife, their girlfriend, their therapist. It’s a special relationship some phone girls have with their guys that call for intimate phone sex.

They will reveal thoughts, fantasies, secrets that they never have to anyone. Ones that will tell me about a long ago same sex encounter they never told anyone about. In many way phone girls are the sexual confessors to some callers. I can understand many not being able to tell their wives about their secretly wearing ladies lingerie and makeup on the side, any same sex encounters, all kinds of fantasies. Even something as simple as a guy wanting a golden shower, he told me he went to an escort for that, his wife wouldn’t ever consider such a thing, so no point in asking. The same for some that want anal, it’s never going to be on the menu with wifey, so they go to an escort for it or just masturbate and think about it and tell me about it.

Some want an emotionally intimate call and want to have me tell them I love them and that’s totally fine. Ones will call that haven’t had sex in decades and simply have not heard those words, these are all different types of intimacy they are sharing with me and it’s an honor in some ways to be entrusted with their confessions they haven’t shared with anyone else. I am here for you.

Need A Girlfriend?


Have you been feeling lonely lately? Winter blahs got you down? No one to cuddle with when you get home from work to warm you up all over? I understand, not everyone is a winner at the game of love and some guys love to have an online girlfriend of sorts. I can be that online girlfriend for you! I love girlfriend experience calls, (GFE), and am happy to tell you I love you and how much I want you if you call.

Many guys don’t have the desire for a fulltime relationship, don’t wish to visit escorts but do still enjoy the company of a woman, even if it’s just to talk to for a while on the phone, a real life relationship demands work, and commitment and devotion of time. Not all guys want to be bothered honestly, but they do like to talk to a woman and masturbate as they are doing it. That’s what a virtual/online/phone girlfriend is all about. It can be comforting knowing a soothing, understanding person and voice is only a phone call away. I’ve had many of my clients since the beginning, over 5 years, and I still hear from them. I am an oasis in their day when they talk to me.

I’m happy to provide such a service as to be thought of as comforting and soothing to these men I talk to. Many have told me I make them feel so comfortable they share things with me they wouldn’t dream of telling their wives or girlfriends or others in their lives. I’m their confidant and their phone Mistress all rolled up into one and it’s fun being their naughty little secret. I like knowing I am there for them when they want me to be. One client emailed me that the phone number was playing a fast busy signal when he tried it and he was worried I’d gone out of business. No, sadly like anything in life, nothing is 100% perfect. Phone service providers have temporary glitches and service may be unavailable for a few hours, or one emailed that the whole website appeared down for a few hours and he was worried I’d gone away. No, my web host was having an issue with the server and all sites on the server appeared offline. I can assure you I’m not going anywhere.




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