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He Took His Mom’s Panties


Lots of guys have a panty fetish, and many started by first taking mommy’s panties. The number of guys that first take mommy’s panties to masturbate with is high. Many have not had access to another woman before when they first take mommy’s panties, they’ve never smelled a pussy before, and they see a pair of worn, dirty, pungent panties on the bedroom or bathroom floor, or in the laundry room, and they pick them up and sniff them and perhaps even lick them.

They are already masturbating like young fiends and crazed to have their first sexual experience, yet haven’t yet had a willing girl to play with, all they have is their own hand and free porn online and a pair of dirty panties belonging to their mom. They may enjoy rubbing them all over their cock, being a naughty, dirty boy just wanting to have their cock touch something that has touched a real pussy.

Imagine mommy coming in and catching them and telling them what a bad boy they are, stealing her panties and rubbing them on their cock and she walks over and pulls them out of their hand and asks if they’ve sniffed them, and they blush and whisper yes. She then tell them to continue stroking their cock and they are unsure, but so turned on she saw them, they resume and soon are going at it as if she isn’t even there and then she reaches over and places her hand on her boys cock and finishes him off and he squirts all over mommy’s titties when he cums and she wipes it off with the panties and walks out and leaves him, with her cum covered panties in his hand, speechless at what just happened.

Let Mommy Kiss and Make It Better


No one can make things better than mommy can, including your orgasms. Do you think of fucking mommy and how nice it would be? Have you taken and masturbated with her panties yet again, smelling the crotch that’s damp with mommy’s pussy juice? That’s a real turn on for you now, isn’t it…

Mommy phone sex can be very nurturing, especially if you’re younger and have had this fantasy for years, talking to an operator about this can be a good outlet for you, since you likely aren’t going to actually tell mommy about wanting to fuck her brains out! Did you used to spy on her as she was in the shower, or coming out and drying off, all distracted and maybe not noticing you, young dick in hand as you stared at her pussy and tits. I bet you did do that, you naughty boy. Maybe you even cummed in some of her panties and slipped them back in her drawer hoping she wouldn’t notice. She noticed, she was just too embarrassed to mention it, but she knew the crotch was damp from your young cum you shot there as you masturbated.

As you lay in the dark of your teenage bedroom stroking away on your cock, eyes closed thinking of her pussy, did you fantasize about her walking in and taking over? Maybe her stroking your cock in her loving hand and then maybe lowering her mouth down onto that cock and sucking off her son’s dick? I know you did and even when you got a girlfriend and had someone to suck your young cock, you still thought of mommy’s lips doing the sucking, didn’t you. Why not call me up and let me be your mommy? We can have lots of fun.

Comforting Mommy Phone Sex


Mommy phone sex is a turn on for a lot of guys. Many times mom caught you touching yourself when you were younger, didn’t she…And although it many have been embarrassing at the time, it also has had a lifelong arousing effect on you as well, hasn’t it? You know you like to think of mommy during your “special alone time”, I know you do.

Mommy phone sex is the thing you can feel safe about doing, we know you’re likely never really going to actually fuck mommy, but I can play mommy for you on the phone and we can talk about all the naughty things that you’d like to do to mommy, and have mommy do to you! Maybe you caught a passing glimpse of mommy as she was getting dressed or coming out of the shower and you caught a glance of the first tits you ever saw, or maybe even mommy’s pussy. And I just know you scampered off to your bedroom to stroke one out after seeing her like that, didn’t you…

No one can love mommy like her little boy, and we know what a good boy you are for mommy, how you want to please her, in any way she desires. Would you like to talk about mommy being the first woman you fantasized about sleeping with? On our mommy phone sex call we can certainly do just that. Once you’ve been with mommy, most other women will all pale in comparison, after all, mommy has set the bar pretty high, hasn’t she? Indeed she has and your good boy cock is going to make mommy a very happy cougar, I just know it. So give me a call today and see what “mommy” can do for you. (And your full balls and hard cock too!) If you’re looking for more fun, check out The Red Zone – Free Picture And Movie Galleries .

Lactation Phone Sex

cupping breasts

Do you have fantasies of suckling at the breast of your lover? Does a lactating woman get your juices flowing like nothing else? Would mommy feeding you drive you wild before she does other naughty things to you? These are just some of the thoughts that run through the minds of men that are turned on by lactating women and consuming the breast milk that comes from them.

I’ve got several clients that are wild about the fantasy of nursing at their lovers breast, being nourished in a special, intimate way. Usually large breasts are apart of that and when they have had pregnant mates, if they have had in the past, they always speak of that time with great fondness as to how their wives or girlfriends breasts grew to a much larger size and how much they appreciated them and wanted to titty fuck and grope them and squeeze them and drive themselves wild with them during this brief time of them being bigger.

I’ve never lactated myself and never will be, but I can understand the appeal of how erotic it is. From what I’ve read online, many women have gotten aroused during breast feeding and it’s been a troubling situation for them to feel that, hopefully most have partners that can satisfy that after they have fed though or they can masturbate after. The naughty boys that call me though are all grown ups, and grown ups can play at all sorts of naughty fantasies. So if you have a hankering for breasts and breast milk, I think we can have a nice, sexy chat about it.

Mommy Phone Sex For You

I know lots of guys love to think about fucking mommy. I love young guys, and have no issue playing mommy for them if that’s what turns them on. I’ve talked to lots of guys that have been caught by their mom when they were younger jerking off and it had a long standing effect on them. I spoke to one this week that had been walked in on by his aunt and ever since he’s thought about her as he was just starting to shoot when she walked in.

Stroking his young, hard, teenage cock when she came in and he wasn’t expecting her too. He was pretty embarrassed, but for over 10 years has thought about how she looked when she came into his room as she was getting ready for work and was just in her bra and skirt and came looking for something on his dresser and saw him rubbing one out and then shoot his load. Did any of you ever have such an experience with your mom, or aunt or sister and would like to talk about it? I know such an event could be traumatic or embarrassing or both depending on how it played out.

Many young kids were punished when they got caught and it’s had life long lasting effects on them. Some have turned that embarrassing situation around to thinking about it all these years. How much you’d love to have mommy help you jerk off and masturbate and then maybe even teach you how to lick pussy and then fuck. Imagine cumming inside of mommy’s pussy and filling her up with her own little boy’s cum…..Mmmmm, sounds hot, doesn’t it? Why not pretend I’m mommy and we can talk all about it, sweet boy.




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