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Let Mommy Kiss It And Make It Better-Mommy Phone Sex


Most men love their mom of course, but then there’s ones that LOVE their mom…And you know what I mean, don’t you now? Guys who stroke one out thinking of mommy’s pussy and ones that steal her panties and masturbate and cum into them. After they have thoroughly sniffed and licked the crotch of them that is. Mommy is many times the first woman that a guy thinks of sexually.

If you had any idea how popular mommy calls were and how badly so many guys wanted to slide their dick into mom, many times still fantasizing they were teens and getting caught jerking off and then mommy coming to help them finish the job. Mommy has nice, warm, sometimes milk filled titties for her naughty little boy to nurse on, and what good, hard boy doesn’t want to feel mommy’s mouth wrapped around her little boy’s cock for the first time? So many as teens got walked in on jerking off and mom seeing them left a deep seeded impression on them they are aching to relive to this day.

Especially if dad wasn’t in the picture, or if he was away on business trips often and they were the man of the house when he was away, many dream that they had been the man in mommy’s bed too. One told me how he knew his mom had a vibrator and he sucked on it when she was out and would stand outside her door listening to her use it at night, the buzzing of it and her moans, as he jerked off outside her door listening. Oh yes, mommy is alive and well in the fantasies of many men and boys out there.

Cougar Cub Phone Sex


The phenomena of the cougar cub relationship is a growing one. Since time immemorial men have taken younger women and that’s always been AOK, but women have finally come into their own and admitted we too appreciate youth and young men. Younger men are better looking, sound better, have more stamina and can rebound faster and cum more often in much shorter periods of time. Yes, they don’t have the experience and can be not the most thoughtful creatures, but the energy they possess can make up for a lot of those flaws to say the very least.

I adore younger men, college age especially, 18-25, and I love cougar cub phone sex fantasies. I love to talk about the young guys I play with and we can certainly concoct some exciting fantasies to discuss during your call. Many into cuckold like to also venture down this path I have found and enjoy talking about how the young men can physically satisfy me when they are no longer able to or maybe they couldn’t in the first place. They love the idea of the college age cock driving me wild and having me be their cougar whore.

Mrs. Robinson was the first well known cougar and today they are more popular that ever. I’m a second generation cougar and crave that youthfulness in my play partners. There’s nothing like an innocent young boy to corrupt at my whim, it’s quite an enjoyable pursuit I must say!  So if you want me to turn you on with my tales of debauchery with young men, do give me a call!




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